Knee Pain
Knee pain does not discriminate. It affects millions of people, regardless of gender, age, or physical well-being and is the second leading cause of chronic pain. The knee is incredibly complex, making it easily susceptible to injury and inflammation.
Causes of Knee Pain
The most common cause of knee pain is knee osteoarthritis, which impacts the cartilage of the knees and occurs as a natural part of aging. Cartilage is the white connective tissue that keeps bones from rubbing together. As the cartilage breaks down, the underlying bones degenerate, along with other joint parts, such as muscles and ligaments.
Other causes of knee pain include:
- Gout
- Injury
- Obesity
- Trauma
- Overuse
- Fractures, strains, and sprains
- Infection
Knee pain can vary in severity, as well as symptoms. It often can hinder movement and mobility, diminish strength, and cause lack of muscle control. Several other common symptoms include:
Joint swelling
Inability to bear weight
Clicking or crunching noises when moving
When diagnosing knee pain, your physician will review your medical history, conduct a physical examination, and run tests such as:
• Blood and/or knee fluid samples
• X-ray
• Ultrasound
• CT scan
Possible Treatments
Treatment protocol for knee pain ranges with the severity of the pain. OTC pain relief medications like Aleve, Ibuprofen or Tylenol may help alleviate symptoms, or your physician may prescribe a corticosteroid, analgesic, or anti-rheumatic drug. Exercises that help improve balance and strengthen the area around the knee is another common treatment option, especially in instances of knee osteoarthritis.
In some instances, your physician may recommend arthroscopic or knee replacement surgery to remedy knee pain.
Other, more rigorous treatment options for knee pain are:

At 360 Pain Treatment, our mission is to provide compassionate pain relief, restore prior function and activity levels, and optimize the quality of life for all.

360 Pain Treatment aspires to create a culture of care in our communities by helping those suffering with pain to live more pain-free and thus improving their quality of life.

- Compassion for all who are ailing and in need of help.
- Advancement of minimally invasive healthcare procedures that firstly considers patient wellbeing.
- Respect and inclusion for everyone we serve in our communities.
- Excellence and efficiency in all that we do.