SI Joint Dysfunction (Sacroiliitis)
Pain in the sacroiliac joint region makes up 15-20% of all lower back pain cases. The sacroiliac joint, the largest joint in the body, connects the tailbone, or sacrum, to the hip bone. SI joint dysfunction, also known as sacroiliitis, occurs when there is stiffness or hypermobility in the joint.
Causes of SI Joint Dysfunction
There are two sacroiliac joints, located on either side of the sacrum. They function as shock absorbers for the pelvis and lower back. If an SI joint becomes irritated, pain can result in the lower back and legs. Common causes of SI joint dysfunction include:
- Favoring one leg
- Disruption of the joint lining
- Ligament injury
- Shearing forces
- Cysts
- Arthritis
- Trauma
- Infection
- Fractures
- Myofascial pain
- Pregnancy
- Enthesopathy
- Prior surgeries
SI joint dysfunction is often mistaken for lower back pain or a herniated disc and is therefore often overlooked or misdiagnosed. However, common symptoms include:
Pain worsens after extended periods of standing or walking
Pain improves with sitting or lying down
Pain improved with walking or standing
Tightness in the SI joint region
Pain radiates into the knee, legs, buttocks, or groin
Sharp sciatica-like pain
Pain intensifies when running or climbing stairs
In diagnosing SI joint dysfunction, a physician will review your medical history and conduct a thorough physical examination. Additionally, your health care provider may order the following tests:
• Anesthetic injections
• CT scan
• X-rays
Possible Treatments
At the outset, treatment for SI joint dysfunction may include OTC and prescription NSAID medications may to reduce irritation and swelling and to control the pain. Physical therapy is another common conservative treatment option, and that may include massage, soft tissue release, flexibility and strengthening exercises, body mechanics, the use of braces, and hot and cold treatments.
Other treatment options for SI joint dysfunction include:

At 360 Pain Treatment, our mission is to provide compassionate pain relief, restore prior function and activity levels, and optimize the quality of life for all.

360 Pain Treatment aspires to create a culture of care in our communities by helping those suffering with pain to live more pain-free and thus improving their quality of life.

- Compassion for all who are ailing and in need of help.
- Advancement of minimally invasive healthcare procedures that firstly considers patient wellbeing.
- Respect and inclusion for everyone we serve in our communities.
- Excellence and efficiency in all that we do.