What is a Lumbar Medial Branch Block?
A lumbar medial branch block uses an injection of local anaesthesia in and around a specific nerve or a bunch of nerves as a way of blocking pain; this procedure is typically used to treat nerve pain and discomfort occurring in the lower back and legs. Lumbar medial branch block injections are used to diagnose or treat nerve pain, irritation, and discomfort in the lower back and legs.
When is a Lumbar Medial Branch Block Used?
Lumbar medial branch blocks are most often used as a way for medical professionals to diagnose nerve conditions by determining the specific source and location of the pain. In addition, by using a combination of local anaesthesia and anti-inflammatory medication, lumbar medial branch block injections can also be used as a way to relieve chronic pain, reduce inflammation, and support repair of damaged nerves.
How is a Lumbar Medial Branch Block Administered?
A lumbar medial branch block is typically performed as an outpatient medical procedure. In some cases, even though the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, your doctor may inject a low dose sedative prior to starting the procedure. Prior to administering the lumbar medial branch block, your doctor will also use a local anaesthetic as a numbing agent.
Using a fluoroscopy or an ultrasound, your doctor will guide a small needle to the affected lumbar facet joint before administering the dose of medication to the exact source of pain. Since facet joints are supplied by 2 medial branch nerves, your doctor will likely administer two branch block injections to each facet joint requiring treatment.
What are the Risks Associated with Lumbar Medial Branch Block?
Lumbar medial branch blocks are considered safe, low-risk procedures; however, as with any medical procedure, there is the slight risk of temporary side effects and/or complications, including infection as the site of injection and soreness at injection site.
How Effective is Lumbar Medial Branch Block?
Pain relief associated with lumbar medial branch block is very effective and can last anywhere between a few days to several weeks; the degree of pain relief is different for each patient and often varies based on the severity of condition; some patients experience pain relief after the first injection, others require multiple lumbar medial branch block injections to relieve nerve pain and discomfort.

At 360 Pain Treatment, our mission is to provide compassionate pain relief, restore prior function and activity levels, and optimize the quality of life for all.

360 Pain Treatment aspires to create a culture of care in our communities by helping those suffering with pain to live more pain-free and thus improving their quality of life.

- Compassion for all who are ailing and in need of help.
- Advancement of minimally invasive healthcare procedures that firstly considers patient wellbeing.
- Respect and inclusion for everyone we serve in our communities.
- Excellence and efficiency in all that we do.