This procedure aims to isolate nerves endings in the sacroiliac joint and relieve pain. No matter how short your pain relief, an injection can help determine the exact location and cause of your discomfort.
What is a Sacroiliac Joint Injection?
The sacroiliac joint is the spine’s largest joint, situated right above the tailbone. Inflammation of this joint is often the cause of lower back pain, but it is often overlooked. Sacroiliac joint injections can help determine the source of your pain while also providing pain relief. Epidurals are ineffective for sacroiliitis, which is where these injections come in.
Often Used to Treat:

What Are the Benefits?
For many who have not found relief in other methods, sacroiliac joint injections can be the answer. This minimally invasive procedure can be both a diagnostic and treatment tool. If your pain relief does not last, your doctor may recommend radiofrequency ablation (RFA) , which involves applying radio waves to the nerves outside of the joint, potentially giving longer relief.
When Will I Feel Better?
Everyone is different and will experience relief at different rates, but you may feel better in a few minutes to an hour. Your doctor may administer cortisone and anesthetic, providing relief within the hour but potentially returning when the anesthetic wears off. The pain relief often returns in a few days when the cortisone starts working.
Is a Sacroiliac Joint Injection Right for Me?
If your lower back/buttock pain has persisted for more than four weeks and has not been helped by other methods, you may consider this treatment. Contact one of our board-certified physicians to start treatment early and increase your chances of success.
Before Procedure
Your doctor will give you specific instructions, but these are some common rules:
- No blood thinners for 2 days before test
- No aspirin 5 days before test
- No anti-inflammatories 5 days before test
- No pain medication 8 hours before test
- No food or drink 6 hours before test
- Arrange for someone to drive you home
When you arrive for treatment, you will check in, finish paperwork, change into a hospital gown, and lie on a bed. An IV will be started to administer medication to relax you.
Procedure – Patient Details
You will move to let the physician access your sacroiliac joint, which he will sterilize and anesthetize. Using fluoroscopy (live x-ray), your doctor will guide a needle into the epidural space. Anesthetics, steroids, and/or antibiotics will be administered. You will be awake to relay any discomfort.
Risk Factors
As with any medical procedure, risks are involved. These may include low blood pressure, infection, injury to nerve tissue, or headache. Your doctor will discuss these risks with you prior to the procedure.

At 360 Pain Treatment, our mission is to provide compassionate pain relief, restore prior function and activity levels, and optimize the quality of life for all.

360 Pain Treatment aspires to create a culture of care in our communities by helping those suffering with pain to live more pain-free and thus improving their quality of life.

- Compassion for all who are ailing and in need of help.
- Advancement of minimally invasive healthcare procedures that firstly considers patient wellbeing.
- Respect and inclusion for everyone we serve in our communities.
- Excellence and efficiency in all that we do.